Work With Us.
If you’re interested in working with Touch, you can find information about current roles here when they are available.
Current job vacancies.
We don’t have any job vacancies at the moment.
Our volunteers are the driving force behind Touch, and we really appreciate the time they contribute to moving our vision forward.
We aim to build a team of people who are ‘do-er’s’ and want to help us all to do ‘life together’.
We are always looking for people to support with administration, event hosting and management, story management, transcribing, proof-reading, graphic design, marketing and much more!
If this sounds like you, please contact [email protected] to organise a coffee and introduction.
You can complete an Application form to become a Volunteer here. If you have any trouble filling out this form but wish to apply please contact us on 07769 464 267 or email [email protected].
For existing volunteers who wish to take the Touch eLearning course, please click here and sign in with the log-in details you have been given.